1. No tenant may keep more than 2 cars on the Residences Property. Servicing or washing of vehicles on the property is strictly prohibited.
  2. Each Tenant will have one assigned parking space, other unassigned spaces are available on a first come, first served basis. All visitors must park in unassigned spaces.
  3. No modifications to the exterior of the property are allowed, including the defacing of the parking lot, sidewalks, lawn or building. This includes but is not limited to the use of chalk, crayons and paint.
  4. Nothing shall be attached to the buildings (decorations, seasonal lights etc.)
  5. Pets are not allowed without written permission and a signed pet agreement.
  6. Trash is to be disposed of INSIDE of the dumpster; nothing is to be left on the ground in the dumpster area. All boxes are to be broken down prior to disposal. The dumpsters are for residential trash only; you need to arrange for private pick up of any large items (i.e. furniture, appliances, car parts etc.) and never stored outside of any unit.
  7. Tenants will not do anything to disturb the quiet enjoyment of the other tenants at the property. Loud noise (music, televisions etc) is never allowed and all tenants will reduce noise levels after 9:00PM daily.
  8. USE. Property is for residential purposes only. No unit may be used, in whole or in part, for business purposes. No industry, business, trade, occupation or profession of any kind, commercial, religious, educational or otherwise, designed for profit, altruism, or otherwise, shall be conducted, maintained or permitted on any part of the property, except for the declarant.
  9. OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT AND CHILDREN’S PLAYTHINGS. Lawn furniture, bicycles, Children’s playthings and other personal articles and equipment shall not be left outside of the Unit, except for appropriate seasonal use furniture, which, when used outside, shall be maintained and located in such fashion as to meet safety and aesthetic standards as established by the owners from time to time. There shall be no storage of personal property under deck areas or on any other part of the exterior areas of the buildings and common areas.
  10. EXTERIOR DECORATIONS- You are allowed 1 Wreath on your front door and up to 2 potted plants on your door stoop. NOTHING else is allowed to be displayed or attached to any unit.
  11. CLOTHES LINES. No clothing, linens or similar materials shall be hung or otherwise left or placed in or on the Common Areas and Facilities. No such articles shall be placed in a Unit so as to be exposed to public view.
  12. CAMPER, TRAILER, BOAT, ETC., STORAGE. No commercial trucks or similar heavy duty vehicles, snowmobiles, boats, utility trailers, boat trailers and camping trailers will be allowed within the open areas of the condominium. Standard duty pick up trucks and work vans are not considered to be commercial vehicles for the purpose of this provision. No unregistered motor vehicles are allowed outside of any individual unit or on any common areas. This prohibition includes the overnight storage of such vehicles and equipment.
  13. SNOW REMOVAL- All tenants are required to cooperate with snow removal operations. All vehicles must be moved from parking spaces when plows are clearing parking spaces as directed by management staff.